【影片片名】:镜中佳人 Mirror Images [中文字幕]
【平均评价】:★★★★☆→4.2 颗星. (IMDb评价)
【影片大小】:1.26 GB
【影片格式】:AVI (D9→转制AVI)
【影片尺度】:三级 (USA 18禁)
【主要演员】:Delia Sheppard, Jeff Conaway, Richard Arbolino, John O'Hurley, Korey Mall, Julie Strain, Nels Van Patten, Michael John Meyer, George 'Buck' Flower, Dominique Simone, Lee Anne Beaman, Andre Rosey Brown, Kelly Royce, Janie Wilson, Sergio Salerno. 等.
【档桉数目】:1个AVI+12个图片群 (种子内有图)
【语种发音】:英语发音. 简体中文字幕.
【影片内容】:时装.成人.剧情.情色.浪漫.偷情.犯罪.动作. 等.
【回覆附注】:※不喜此类型者请自律, 请勿回覆损人不利己的无聊言词!!
【种子期限】:完30种后5天内不定期补种 (3週后删档)
杰夫因帮助卡特沙勒竞选州长而冷 落太太凯莉,凯莉不甘寂寞时常外出和男人约会,某次竟遭毒犯用毒品迷昏加以强暴,隔天杰夫的女秘书娅娜死于非命,但凯莉知道是遭卡特沙勒害死而假装妹妹香侬诱骗杰夫取得证据,剧中离奇关係,牵扯到的人有 毒犯、州长、夫妻、女秘书、双胞胎姊妹、警官。
A beautiful redhead beauty, named Kaitlin, seeking to get away from her boring wealthy life and her uncommunicative husband Jeffrey, assumes the identity of her outgoing, blond, identical twin sister, Shauna, when she leaves town and Kaitlin soon becomes embroiled with a psychotic serial killer whom is stalking Shauna......
【User Reviews】:
Jeff Conaway is a long way from his TAXI and GREASE days but he is the best thing about this slow-moving erotic thriller which features pretty decent sex scenes. Hippolyte was on a role in the early 1990s with his chain of erotic thrillers featuring more dialogue scenes and non-penetration sex scenes to disguise the pornographic tones that he would normally suggest as Gregory Dark. Nonetheless, this one is probably the best of his series. And don't forget to watch Dick Van Patten's son, Nels, embarass his father by repeatedly ordering Delia Shepperd to "Say my name! Say my name!!"
【内容实际截图】:※以下係本人组合图组, 因需经压缩图档, 所以实际影片内容画面, 比截图更清晰优质.※
WARNING: This Site Contains Adult Contents, No Entry For Less Than 18-Years-Old !
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