【影片片名】:闰年 (一刀未剪) [中文字幕]
【影片译名】:Annee bissextile / Ano bisiesto / LEAP YEAR.
【影片又名】:爱与痛的边缘. (2010)
【平均评价】:★★★★★★☆→6.1 颗星. (IMDb评价)
【影片大小】:846 MB
【影片格式】:AVI (DVD→转制AVI)
【影片尺度】:三级 (未删减版 unrated version)
【视频效果】:1000X560 (清晰版)
【影片演员】:Monica del Carmen, Gustavo Sanchez Parra, Armando Hernandez, Diego Chas, Dagoberto Gama, Ernesto Gonzalez, Bertha Mendiola, Jose Juan Meraz, Nur Rubio, Jaime Sierra, Ireri Solis, Marco Zapata.
【档桉数目】:1个AVI+14个图片群 (种子内有图)
【语种发音】:西班牙语发音. 简体中文字幕.
【影片内容】:时装.成人.剧情.自慰.手淫.窥视.性虐.激情.口交.剃毛.淫乱.变态. 等.
【影片片商】:Production Co: Machete Producciones
【回覆附注】:※不喜此类型者请自律, 请勿回覆损人不利己的无聊言词!!
【种子期限】:完30种后5天内不定期补种 (3週后删档)
◎ 2010年戛纳电影节金摄像机奖最 惊世骇俗的XXOO佳作 ◎
Laura's personal life consists of one affair after another. She meets Arturo, and the pair enter into an intense, violent sexual relationship. As days go by, Laura crosses out the days on a calendar, revealing her secret past to her lover.
【User Reviews】:
"Leap Year" is simple, albeit brilliant filmmaking. There is very little, if any, "coverage" for each and every shot. No close-ups, no pans, no dolly shots, no cranes, no over-the-shoulder, and no reaction shots. The camera remains still and @18p2p@ throughout - time and time again simply letting the drama unfold before our eyes. We are nothing more than a voyeur. It's a bold choice - perhaps born out of budget necessity - but it nonetheless works. What's makes every shot absolutely fascinating is called "life." Human behavior. The success of this film is a tribute to the director, his belief in the story, and most of all, the trust he was able to get from his actors. Although the camera rarely moves, it tells the story better than most Hollywood directors with a much bigger budget ever could.
【内容实际截图】:※以下係本人组合图组, 因需经压缩图档, 所以实际影片内容画面, 比截图更清晰优质.※
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