【影片片名】:纳粹军妓性爱实验营 [中文字幕]
【平均评价】:★★★☆→3.1 颗星. (IMDb评价)
【影片大小】:1.25 GB
【影片格式】:AVI (D9→转制AVI)
【影片尺度】:三级 (18禁)
【视频尺寸】:900X560 (清晰版)
【影片演员】:Mircha Carven, Paola Corazzi, Giorgio Cerioni, Giovanna Mainardi, Serafino Profumo, Attilio Dottesio, Patrizia Melega, Almina De Sanzio, Matilde Dall'Aglio, Agnes Kalpagos, Mircha Carven, Paola Corazzi, Giorgio Cerioni, Giovanna Mainardi, Serafino Profumo. 等.
【档桉数目】:1个AVI+17个图片群 (种子内有图)
【语种发音】:英语发音. 简体中文字幕.
【影片内容】:时装.成人.剧情.淫乱.情色.裸露.强姦.战争.残暴.恐怖.实验. 等.
【影片片商】:Societa Europea Films Internazionali Cinematografica (SEFI)
【影片附注】:本片由录像带VHS转制, 画质必然有限, 敬请多加包涵.
【回覆附注】:※不喜此类型者请自律, 请勿回覆损人不利己的无聊言词!!
【种子期限】:完30种后5天内不定期补种 (3週后删档)
This is a sleazy WW2 Nazi camp movie which plays more like a black comedy. In this film the poor female POW's get raped and groped by all and sundry at the camp. In an amusing comic twist the commandant decides he wants a new pair of testicles and so removes them from one of the hunky guards. The guard doesn't seem to realise he's been castrated until he goes to bonk one of the French prisoners. This provides one of the most amusing scenes when he confronts the commandant and says "You Bastard. what have you done with my Balls?".
During the last days of WW2, several female prisoners arrive at Camp 5 to work as sex slaves for officers and guinea pigs for horrific experiments by Nazi doctors who are trying to find a cure for burns. But these women are not going to die without a fight... Can they stay alive until the closing Red army comes to their rescue?
WARNING: This Site Contains Adult Contents, No Entry For Less Than 18-Years-Old !
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